
What are cookies?

Sometimes we will send small files to your computer to ensure that this website is functioning in the best possible way. These files are called “Cookies”. Most websites are doing this.

We also use cookies to get information about how the website is being used.

Cookies are small text files which is stored on your computer, mobile or tablet when you visit a website. The cookies help the website to remember your settings (for example username, language, text size and other settings) for a chosen period of time. The idea is that you shouldn’t have to change your settings every time you visit the website, or when you navigate between different websites.

What do we do with the cookies?


Google analytics is a Google tool for web analysis. This tool helps us to understand how our website is being used. It collects information about which pages are being visited, how long the visit lasts for, the number of visits on the website and what the source for the visit is (for example google search).

Your IP address is anonymised before it’s being sent to Google Analytics, so the information that is being sent doesn’t contain any information that can identify you as a user. We can therefore not trace actions back to individual users, but we can analyse the use of the website on a top line level.

The data which is retrieved is analysed by us so that we can improve the website to become more relevant and user friendly.

Google Analytics is using the following cookies:


Duration: Session
The session expires 30 minutes after the last interaction with the website.

When you visit a website with Google Analytics a .gif picture of 1×1 pixel is stored on your web server. Data regarding this visit will be attached to this gif file and sent to Google Analytics. The information Google Analytics receives can for example look like this (Extract):×1024&utmsc=32-bit&utmul=en-us&utmje=1&utmfl=9.0%20%20r115&utmcn=1&utmdt=GATC012%20setting%20variables&utmhid=2059107202&utmr=0&utmp=/auto/GATC012.html?…

Read more about how this works here:


Duration: 2 years after last visit .

Provides the visitors with a unique ID which is fixed from visit to visit. This gives us the possibility to identify if any users are returning to the website, but without being able to identify them.


Duration: 24 hours

This helps us tell the users apart, just like _ga


Duration: 1 minute

This cookie doesn’t save any user information, but is being used to limit the number of requests to Google Analytics.


Duration: 90 days

Contains campaign related information about the user. We have connected our Google analytics account to our Google Adwords account. Adwords will therefore read this cookie in order to be able to track conversions. Read more about it here:

Do you want information about how data is being handled by Google?
Read Google’s guidelines for privacy.

Please use this browser add-on if you don’t want to be tracked: 
Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on


Sharpspring is a tool for marketing automation. It allows us to set up automatic customised marketing based on collected data, so that you as a web site user will get relevant feed back.
The information which is filled into the forms is connected to other communication with the user, and this will together with an overview over the use of the website help us to put time and resources where there it’s needed the most.

We don’t share information in Sharpspring with third parties. We are treating information with strict confidence and use it only for our own analysis and marketing. If you have sent us information or a contact form, and want us to delete the information we have about you, please let us know by contacting us. You can find our contact details under “contact us” on this website.

Sharpspring is using the following cookies:

__ss :

Duration: 30 minutes

This cookie is storing the session ID for your visit. It is used in combination with _ss_tk to group website visits in reports for a single user.


Duration: 25 years

This is Sharspring’s token cookie which enables user tracking. It ensures that the visit to website is connected to the user independent of the session and the source.


Duration: 6 hours

This cookie contains information about where the visitor came from, called the source for the visit.


Duration: 2 years

This cookie contains a Google Analytics ID: We understand it as if the web analysis part of Sharpspring is using Google Analytics to trace visits. This tracking is separate to the Google Analytics tracking that we have set up.


Duration: 2 years and 6 months

Sharpspring is adding an ID to the visitor in this cookie


Duration: 10 years


Duration: 1 week


Duration: 1 week



We add you to our email list when you sign up for our newsletter. You can sign off the list any time by following the link in the bottom of the email that you have received. You will then be removed from all email lists immediately. You can also contact us via the contact page on this website to get deleted from the email list.

We only use the information for internal analysis and to send out emails. We will never share or sell your information to a third party.


WordPress set generally cookies for those who log in to edit content in wordpress, and for those who comment on blog posts. We don’t use WordPress’ comment system, and hence no cookies will be connected to this. You will not get tracked by any cookies from wordpress as a general visitor to the website.

How can you control the cookies?

You can control and delete the cookies if you want to. Read more about how you delete cookies on You can delete all the cookies on your computer, and you can adjust your browser settings so that your computer doesn’t download cookies. The consequence of this is that you have to change certain settings every time you enter a website, and that certain functions may not work.

You can in other words choose if you want to accept cookies on this website by adjusting your browser setting to accept or not to accept cookies.

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