Do you want to master Imageshop? Do you want to enhance the efficiency of your image bank by tagging images and changing info on multiple images at the same time?
Join our online webinar where we take you on a quick and efficient journey through the Imageshop universe!
Whether you’re a new user looking to master basic features, or an experienced user looking to expand your skills, this webinar is perfect for you.
Excerpt from the agenda:
- Uploading and tagging files
- Updating information on multiple files simultaneously
- Exciting news in Imageshop
- December campaign 🎅
- Q&A
The webinar is suitable for:
- Those who have taken over responsibility for Imageshop in your company or have become an administrator and want to learn more about all the possibilities in the image bank.
- If you already use Imageshop admin on a regular basis, but need a refresher and the opportunity to ask questions about things you’ve been wondering about.
The webinar will be interactive, with opportunities to ask questions and get direct guidance from our experts.
Spaces are limited, so register now to secure your place!
We look forward to exploring Imageshop with you!