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The Directorate of Health in Norway used Imageshop to share information about the coronavirus

Frequent changes to rules and recommendations during the coronavirus pandemic put a lot of pressure on the Directorate of Health in Norway. They constantly have to share up-to-date information, and they must do so quickly. 

It is not only the Directorate of Health in Norway that uses the graphics and imagery they create, but shops, businesses, media agencies, partners and other public bodies also distribute the material in their channels.

Large quantity – frequent updates

The Directorate of Health has produced a large quantity of information and campaign material such as posters, videos, banners and radio spots since Norway went into lockdown in March 2020. And a lot of the information has to be updated every time the measures change.

It was not long before the amount of data and files had become vast. At the same time, the Directorate received frequent requests from businesses, companies, restaurants etc. and other parties that needed access to the files. This made it very challenging to sort, store, update and distribute information about the coronavirus.

The solution was a Digital Asset Managment-system from Imageshop.

Access the Directorate of Health in Norway Imageshop here!

Rapid production and updates

Imageshop DAM-system made it possible for the Directorate of Health to transfer all its images and other files in the space of a few days. More than 1,000 files had to be sorted and uploaded, and the process was very quick thanks to functions such as tags, categories and keywords.

It is now possible for everyone who needs corona files to do a free text search, e.g. ‘face mask’. The search can be adjusted by selecting specific categories or by searching all the files. This saves valuable time as you can browse exactly what you’re looking for, instead of having to scan through hundreds of files to find something suitable.

You can, for example, filter by:

  • category – such as shop material or face mask
  • format – such as poster, video and radio
  • colour and size
  • language

Businesses and public bodies are not the only organisations to profit from these search functions. Now, the Directorate of Health can always find earlier material and update it in line with new requirements and measures. They no longer risk having to make everything from scratch. This would not have been possible without a well-structured search function.

Digital Asset Management with a module-based system

Imageshop digital asset management is a module-based system that lets you choose functions and expand them as new needs emerge. It quickly became evident to the Directorate of Health that it needed to expand by translating the files to spread information about the coronavirus in English.

They also added the ‘Album’ function, which meant that they could collect the material in folders and forward them to partners. This made it even easier to efficiently distribute material for specific campaigns. 

The Directorate of Health was able to see first-hand how quickly a DAM-system can be established. Getting information across efficiently was a matter of urgency for the Directorate. The start-up meeting took place on the 24th of November, and the DAM opened just before Christmas. It took just two to three weeks for most things to fall into place. 

In January alone, 1,500 files were downloaded. The Directorate of Health has thus already saved a lot of time when it comes to answering enquiries and distributing information, and is still doing so today.

Do you have any questions, or would you like to see how an Imageshop DAM-system can simplify your business’s day-to-day work?

Contact us for a free and non-binding online demonstration!

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